Friday, March 23, 2007


Hey!!Thanks for visiting my Blog.My name is Syed Fathima.I prefer to be called Fathima.I am from class 14/07.
I hail from India.I came to singapore about 10 years ago to study.Basically I am just like any ordinary person with so many dreams and wishes.I used to be a very sensitive girl a few years ago but the challenges and adverse conditions I faced over the years have changed me into a sensible,mature and practical girl.I do not have an idol or role models.I respect my individuality so much so that I do not like to follow others in any way.I do admire some extrodinary people such as Mother Theresa.I love playing in the rain and hate all the creepy crawlies!!I hate the cockroaches especially..My favourite subjects are Maths,maths and maths!I love Biology too.I am very facinated by God's Creations.I have a passionate interest in running.When i get tired of studying I go for a run to get refreshed.Well my ambition is to start a charitable organisation for the poor in Nepal first and in other parts of the world too.Ultimately I want to contribute as much as I can to deplete poverty from this world.My personal motto is 'Never let victories to get into our brains and failures to get into our hearts'.I hope I will be able to whet my interests and hone my talents at AJC!

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